
Bucket Fillers

I'm sure a lot of people have
heard of or read the book,
Have You Filled A Bucket Today?
by Carol McCloud.

I stumbled across the book about
two years ago and it instantly became
a big part of my classroom!

It just might be one of my favorite
children's books of all time.
Anything to promote treating others
with kindness and respect gets my vote and
I just think the kids really "get it".

In case you've been living under a rock,
{just kidding...ha!}
the book explains how we each have an imaginary bucket.

We can either choose to fill each other's buckets
or dip from them.
To be a bucket filler means you say kind things,
you are respectful, generous, etc. and you fill
others' buckets and make them feel good.
A bucket dipper does things that are unkind,
hurtful, etc.

Anyways, I just thought I would share a photo
of our classroom "buckets".
{sorry, its kind of blurry}
I got the buckets from Wal-mart in the party section
and they were very reasonable and I've reused the
same ones for a few years.

I like to use the printables from
Christina Bainbridge's website.
The poster on my bulletin board is from there
and I also use the notes she created for the
kids to fill out and place in each other's

They are just too cute and the kids LOVE
to fill these out and then check their own bucket
at the end of the week!

You can download the bucket filler poster,
notes, and TONS of other awesome
printables from Christina's
classroom website here.

Feel free to share any
"bucket filling"
ideas you use!

{yeah! my first follower...thanks, mom!}


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