Ever have one of those days {or weeks, months or years:)}
that doesn't go as planned?!?!?
I know.
Silly question to ask a bunch of teachers!
The first month of school was absolutely CRAZY!
It was crazy it many, many ways.
It could have been crazy in a bad way.
Bad stuff happened.
But I'm just so darn positive that I can't
help be thankful for how this school
year really has gotten off to a GREAT start!
Just with a lot of crazy thrown in there too;)
Ok, so here's how it all played out...
I purchased these two extrememly fabulous
Since our first theme for Open Court
Reading is "Sharing Stories" these units
were great ways to start everything off!
We had a blast and the kids LOVED
the week we spent on The Wizard of Oz.
Abby suggests having an "Emerald City"
day to end the unit and the kids were
definitely excited.
I saved a few of the science experiments from
the unit to do on that last day
and also planned to make one of
these babies!
Yep...a fabulous, tasy, rainbow cake!
That is a pic of the first {and only}
rainbow cake I've ever made.
It was for my niece's birthday
this past summer and it turned out pretty
darn good for a first try:)
So I was all ready to make another one
for Emerald City Day.
The night before, I was feeling lazy and
decided it would be much faster to make
rainbow cupcakes.
It went pretty well and my daughter
even sampled one....
That night, about 2am, I heard
her crying and could smell it before
I even opened her door.
Poor thing had gotten sick in her
We cleaned up. Got her back to sleep.
I got back in bed and tried to fall
Then she got sick again.
We cleaned up. Got her back to sleep.
And I think you get the picture.
This went on several times.
She was so sweet and was
apologizing for getting sick and making a mess, poor baby.
So I stayed home with her the next day
and had to miss Emerald City Day.
I went up EARLY that morning to write
my sub plans and decided there was
no way I could take the cupcakes.
What if it was the cupcake that made her sick???
What if I made the whole class sick???
I'd have so many angry parents!!!
I couldn't risk it.
So I kept thinking about how she probably
just had a stomach bug and the cupcakes were fine.
I didn't want to waste all that hard work
and the cupcakes looked awesome.
So the next day I ate one and nothing happened.
But then, Sunday came and I got sick:(
I still don't think it was the cupcakes,
but I couldn't risk it, even if we
did just catch a bug because my germs were
definitely all over those puppies.
As soon as I could pull myself off the couch
and felt alive again, I threw them all out:(
I was sooooo disappointed the kids
didn't get to have the kind of Emerald City Day
I had hoped for, but they still
did the science experiements
and wore green to celebrate!
So during the first
few weeks of August I had to move
my classroom, start school, found out I had
a torn retina, missed 2 1/2 days of school {already},
got the stomach bug, and took care
of a sick toddler!
But, I still declare it could have been worse,
and I can honestly say that overall I've enjoyed
the start to this year:)