Remember when I made monthly printable stationary for teachers? No? Me either. Well, I kind of do but it seems like forever ago. What happened? Life. Throw together teaching, mothering, sort of keeping up a household, a traveling husband, doctor's appointments and a lot of other randoms and that doesn't leave a whole lot of time to dabble on the computer. I knew I wanted to get back to making TeacherPRINTS whenever I could fit it in and somehow I managed to do that this month. Which was perfect because I had a lot of creative inspiration flowing around in my head for what I would do if I had a chance to make an April TeacherPRINTS. So, here it is and I love it. It's just what I pictured it would be and I hope you like it, too. Not a teacher? Don't be sad. You can use these printables, too. Here's a peek...
You can get the April TeacherPRINTS in my TpT shop HERE. You don't have to be a teacher to create a free login on TpT. Want to win a free copy? Follow me on instagram and stay tuned for a giveaway for these lovely printables. And if you're still reading, yeah! Click on the picture below to download a free print from this month's April TeacherPRINTS. I love reading The Lorax to my students around Earth Day and this has got to be the best line in the whole thing.