I love being a Kansas girl.
You know you are a Kansas girl when:
1. You {heart} Jayhawks or Wildcats.
2. You own a pair of cowboy boots.
3. Even if you've never lived on a farm,
you have some connections just in case you
ever need to borrow one of these...
4. The weather is KS never surprises you...today's high was mid
30's and projected high for Monday is 62.
5. When you travel and you say you are from KS, you've been
asked if you've ever seen Oz.
True story.
6. You ALWAYS celebrate Kansas day!
{also my grandma's birthday}
This week in my classroom, we did all sorts of fun
Kansas activities.
I found some awesome printables by Kelly & Diane from
These ladies are from Wichita and really gave me so
many activities to teach my students our state symbols.
Here are some of their pics from their blog.
{I forgot to take pics while we worked on them}
We worked all week long during social studies
and reading on our Kansas activities and we
ended the day Friday with this:
The kids LOVED them.
It's always a hit every year and they work
so hard trying to come up with different
ways to make the pictures.
My teammate gave them to me when I moved
to 2nd grade but I don't know where she found them.
It was a great week...but still felt kind of long :)
This next week we begin a new reading unit
with the theme of fossils.
I've been scouring pinterest and blogs for ideas.
Last year, I bought a dinosaur themed cartridge
to use with my cricut to make
bulletin boards. I didn't use it that much so I hope
to get some time to make some awesome boards
to help my kiddos get excited about fossils!
One thing I know I want to do is this:
about dinosaurs or fossils :)