
American Symbols and a little Chocolate Fever!

This past week we read this story...

and I've been using some activities
from Deanna's America unit and the kids
have been loving it!
They are so interested in the history behind 
each of the symbols and just eat it all up. :)
 They each made a liberty bell and we wrote
facts on the back.
This is a printable activity I've had for a while
and don't remember where I got it from.
The kids did a great job of putting their
Statue of Liberty models together.
 We are going to contiue our study of symbols
into next week, but we will also be starting
a novel study for reading next week!
Can you believe this will be my last FULL week
of school?!?
I picked up Amy's Chocolate Fever unit and can't WAIT
to use it!
She has made the best activities to go along with this book!
I bought it even before I read the book because it just looked
so cute and sounded like a fun story that my students would love.
I read the book this morning and then made a few activities
for my students to work on this week for spelling.
Here's a little sample...

 You can pick up this little spelling pack in my TpT store
I'm dreaming up all sorts of chocolate treats I could make
my students this week.
Getting ready to hit up pinterest for more ideas so
my "getting ready to wear a swimsuit in 2 weeks plan"
might be in trouble!!!



A special deal for you!!!

My measurement unit is FINALLY
uploaded to my TpT store
and I'm have a major sale on it!
It will be listed for only $1.50 now through
the end of tomorrow night (Wednesday)!
And since I'm having a 20% off sale in my store
through Wednesday you can get it for $1.20!
Get it tonight and use TpT's code, TAD12, for another
8% off!
Can you say CHEAP!?!
Here's a preview of some of the activities...

Some anchor charts

Mini book

Center games

and much more!!!

 {click on the pic above to purchase}

 After tomorrow, it will be at a normal price
of $5.50.
This is just my way of saying thank you to all
my fellow teachers and blog readers!
I really appreciate the time you take to read
my blog...even though I don't post nearly as often
as I would like. ;)
 I guess there's always summer to catch up on blogging!



Open House and a SALE!!!

Happy Monday!

I thought I'd share a few pictures from open house.
My kiddos worked so hard all year long and it was
great to get to display all their fantastic projects!
I also love to get to walk around the school and
see what the other grades are up to...don't get to do that enough!

In our reading series, there is a unit all about animal camouflage.
We read a story about a chameleon and I found this idea a couple
of years ago on opencourtresources.com.
There were not any blackline masters available so
I traced a picture of a chameleon and came up with this.
The kids love this activity!
The title of this unit is called, "Look Again," and they think
its so fun to show these to their parents and tell them they have
to look again from the other side to see how the chameleon changes!

1st side:

2nd side:

Another reading unit we just finished before open house was
all about courage.
I LOVE the blog Buzzing About Second Grade!
She teaches with the Imagine It! series, which I think is
a new version or similar to Open Court, which is what I use.
A lot of the units and stories seem to be the same and she has some
fabulous ideas. I came across this post not too long ago. It was from
last year and I loved the idea!
I made the printables I used myself, but then not long after that, she made
them available in her shop here. Check them out!

We also displayed our Flat Stanley projects!
This is one of my favorite things we do all year,
and the parents get to see their students' projects
for the first time.

 This was the first year we used a grade level map to show
where everyone's flat person went. It was a hit!

We had many more projects on display, but I can't seem to find
the rest of the pictures on my computer and the blogger photo uploader
is taking f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

I just put my TpT shop on sale. Everything is 20% off for a couple of
days, and I'm sure you've heard about the TpT code for an extra 8% off!
Feel free to take a look!
TpT is also not letting me upload anything right now because of all the sale
traffic, but as soon as I can, I'll be putting my Measurement Mania unit up for sale!
I'm even thinking of selling it EXTRA cheap for a few days in honor
of Teacher Appreciation Week!

Be back SOON!