Happy Friday!
Just a quick post today to share with you my latest product...
I can't wait to get this in a fluency center next week and to also
use the sight word cards/sheet with my small group!
I'm going to pair my kiddos up and have them use a timer to
do 1 minute timings on words and phrases.
Then, they use the recording sheets to write down any words/phrases
they didn't know and also use them in a sentence or two.
You can get this pack in my TpT store HERE for only $3.50!
I know I'm a little late in the game to get this too you...so here's
a little March Phrases freebie, too!
Click the pic below to download.
These are fantastic. I always have such a hard time figuring out how to incorporate fluency in First when they are still so enveloped in decoding. Thanks for the freebie!
Apples, Crayons, and Caffeine
I love these!! Will you be making some for April or May??