

Regrouping Unit!!!

Why do I always get sick on the weekends?!?!
I'm just now coming out of my
room where I've been quarantined
for the past 24 hours with strep...yuck.

I'm finally feeling alive again and
I couldn't wait to share with you
my regrouping unit!
I love teaching regrouping with
these activities and games
 and my students LOVE it too.
I know. 
Hard to believe kids would love regrouping but they do!
Trust me. ;)
Math is one of my passions because
you can turn almost anything into a game and
the kids are having so much fun,
practicing skills over and over again that
they don't even realize it!
Here's a little preview of my unit...

If you remember this post about The Trading Game,
you'll be happy to know that I've included a template for
the gameboard in this unit!

If you'd like to purchase this unit from my new
Teachers Pay Teachers store you can click on any of
the pics above, the Teachers Pay Teachers button on the sidebar,
or here!

I'll be giving this unit away for FREE to the first two
people who leave a comment and tell me what is your
favorite subject to teach!
{don't forget to include your email}

Hope you all have had a MUCH better weekend
than me!
Hopefully, I've had my fair share of sickness for a while.  :)



  1. Oh I'd love the unit.


  2. I forgot to say I love to teach place value in math.

  3. Oh and my email is Thank you!!!!!

  4. Great unit :) I love teaching social studies with reading and writing!

  5. I love the looks of this unit! I'm going to have to get it because we just started teaching it last week. I love teaching math!


  6. Love your reprouping unit, too cute! I was one of those strange kids that enjoyed diagraming sentences, so language arts is definitely my favorite.

  7. Oh I love your unit!!!! I just found your neat ;) I would say since I have started using Math Stations....math has become my fav!!

  8. Very cute activities! When do you guys get out for break? I feel like everyone in blog world are done this week and I go next week still!

  9. I love this. I am so sad I wasn't one of the first two comments. I've put it on my wishlist for after the holidays.
    2B Honey Bunch

  10. Your unit turned out great, Leanne! Love it!

  11. Boo hoo that I wasn't one of the first two but I have to shout out again about that 3 Town game. Geez they LOVE it.. I hope it helps when we start regrouping.

  12. I just gave you the Liebster Award. Come on over and get it.
    2B Honey Bunch

  13. I was looking through the pictures you have of your classroom and it was TOTALLY bringing back some memories when I was there! :)

  14. Liebster Award is given to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. The rules are:
    1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
    2. Thank the giver and link back to them.
    3. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
    4. Hope that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers!!
    Sorry I didn't tell you this.
    2B Honey Bunch

  15. I'm a new follower - love seeing where my first graders need to be at the end of the year! :)

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
