

An award and a freebie!

Erica over at The Honey Bunch
awarded me the Liebster award last
week! You should check out her
blog because she has some GREAT ideas:)
Thanks Erica!

I've been soooo busy trying to wrap
up everything at school and also
trying to keep up with getting ready for
Christmas, that I'm just now getting
a chance to pass along the award.

So here are a few of my picks for the Liebster....

1. Kelley over at Buggy for Second Grade is my
new bloggy friend! She also lives in Kansas and actually
attended the elementary school I work at for a little while
when she was young. Crazy, right?!?!
Anyhoo, she has some awesome ideas and is also
hosting a giveaway right now so you need to go
and check it out!

Buggy for 2nd Grade

2. I'm also loving Carly over at First Grade Fabulousity!
She is so darn cute and I LOVE her weather freebies
she has in her TpT store. Go show her some love
and follow her because she has some
FABULOUS ideas:)


3. So this next nominee is not an elementary teacher, but
a high school science teacher. Mr. Champ {a.k.a. science nerd}
has a great blog you should share with any h.s. science
teachers you know. I love this heavy lifting rocket lab
he did with his students!
Did I mention that Mr. Champ is also my brother-in-law?!?

{Liebster Award is given to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers. The rules are:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. Thank the giver and link back to them.
3. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
4. Hope that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers!!}

Now onto to a freebie for you :)
We made these fabulous gingerbread houses
our last day before break and the kiddos
had tons of fun.
I did too!

I had several parents come in to help
and it was the perfect activity because
the kids worked so hard on their houses
and the day just flew by.
Instead of painfully dragging on like we all know
those last few days before a break can!

I created this graphing activity that the kids worked
on in the afternoon to graph the candy {just the candy}
that they used on their house.

It was perfect because we are just finishing up graphing
in our math series, so they were familiar with
how to make a bar graph and they
could complete it independently.
Click on the pic to download a copy!

This is my first day of Winter Break, hallelujah!
If you aren't on break yet, I'm saying a prayer for you right now:)



  1. I also teach 2nd grade and we just got through our unit on graphing. This would have been perfect for yesterday (which was our last day!) I'll keep this idea in mind for next year!


  2. Thanks for the award! You are too sweet. I have one more day then finally off for break! I am totally looking forward to it!

  3. Hey! I am 2nd grade teacher, too! I love your blog and I am following!

    Just found your blog today from Holly at Crisscross...I am your newest fan!


    2nd Grade Paradise

  4. wow...and apparently I am a caveman with the "I am 2nd grade teacher" lingo..oops...vacation has already gone to my head.

  5. Another 2nd grade buddy! :) Just found your blog! Can't wait to read more!Happy Holidays!

    Hope King

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